Risen Church Nc

Church Age: Apocalypse - Revelation 3



There is often duplicity between something's appearance and its true substance. Sometimes there is a disconnect between what we claim to be and what we actually are. When it comes to Christianity, this equates to hypocrisy. The Church at Sardis and Laodicea both had a great reputation. Sardis was recognized as a thriving, booming church. Laodicea was renown for doing great things and offering lots to its community. However Jesus reveals to them that their hearts were not in line with their professions and reputations. In this message, we talk about the nature of an apocalypse, meant to reveal what is often hidden or covered up. God's Word is constantly presenting an apocalyptic opportunity to us so that nothing remains in darkness. When God reveals to us something that needs to change, He gives us the ability to make those changes. Sardis and Laodicea may have drifted far from their confession, but Jesus was lovingly pursuing and waiting for them to return to Him. Likewise, He stands at the door of our he