People Building NLP & Hypnotherapy

My Attempted Murder with Jon Mclernon – ExtraOrdinary People



Jon Mclernon did just wake up one day and decide to be a health coach. He was lead there by a series of significant events that involved attempted murder and addiction.  In this podcast you’ll not only get fully engaged with John’s story, but you’ll also come to appreciate the aspects of his story that that set him up to shift and how, to this day, he still experiences challenges.  Coach Jon  is a weight loss coach and emotional eating expert who has lost 100lbs.  From nanotechnology researcher, to Navy marine engineer, to globetrotting nomad, Coach Jon spent most of his life running from his true calling, until one question changed his life.  Now he's on a mission to help others lose weight for good and leave BS diets in the rearview mirror. With Freedom Nutrition Coaching he marries the Science of Metabolism with the Psychology of Behavior Change and the Compassion of Human Connection to create life-changing transformations with his clients. Website: YouTube: https://freedomnut