Sunday Sermon

God's Goodness Toward The Penitent Sinner



Body and soul and all that we have are the things that are God’s. We are literally composed of benefits, which we receive from his liberality every moment of our lives He has created us out of nothing and kept us in life by his almighty power. He has cleansed us in Baptism from the sin in which we were born, and has adopted us as his children. And when we, by, the sins we committed, treated God most contumeliously, and rejected that first grace, his mercy has again received us in the Sacrament of Penance to his favor and friendship. But what is most wonderful of all, he still continues to enrich us with countless benefits, as if we had never done the least thing to displease him. Body and soul, all we have are God’s, everything we have is a benefit we receive from God. Countless are the benefits that God has bestowed upon us, especially that he has pardoned us our sins so often in the Sacrament of Penance and re-admitted us to his grace. Now I shall call your attention to the still more wonderful goodness t