Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

How to Buy Tons of Houses in Probate with the Right Letter



Hi guys!  I want you to know that in addition to today's podcast, I also did a screen capture video of this show so that you could have the opportunity to go through a sample probate letter with me. You can find it on the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog.   Freebies Get your FREE sample letter over on the blog. To get your "Probate Investing Roadmap" just click here. You can watch the video where I go through each section of the letter on YouTube by clicking here. So, how do you reach these motivated sellers?  You don't reach them by picking up the phone and calling someone whose mama has just passed away.  You reach them by sending a nurture series of direct mail letters.  Your goal is to be there when the family is ready to sell. Today I'm going to talk about each section of the letter, and I'm going to talk about  the 5 things you really need to understand about marketing to these folks. Let me know if you have any questions.      .