Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

5 Ways to Ensure You Have Happy, Responsible Tenants that Stay for Years



Today's show is all about how to have happy, responsible tenants that stay for years. This topic is so important for landlords to understand.  So how do you do that? You do that with a good onboarding process. In this episode I'm going to explain exactly what onboarding is, how you do it, and why it's a huge benefit when it comes to your bottom line. We all know how costly tenant turnover is, and this process will help you have happier, better tenants and you will make more money in the process. I'm going to lay out 5 ways that you can accomplish this, step by step.     Bonus Handout I also have a bonus handout for you today.  It's a move in-move out checklist.  This checklist will ensure you do a thorough inspection of the property at the move in, and it make it easy to document changes in the property at the move out.   You can get it by clicking here: Move In - Move Out Checklist Don't forget to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog where you find more freebies and some pretty awesome information to