Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Gen Z and Technology: How they Are Changing the Way We Do Business



The topic of today's show is all about Gen Z and how they are changing the way we do business. This is the first generation in history to be born into a world where everything is digital. They have never known another way of doing things. Because of this, business is changing rapidly. As investors, we have to change if we intend to be in business 5, 10, or 20 (or more) years from now. Simply put, Gen Z will not do business with anyone that cannot meet their needs.   Exactly Who is Gen Z and why Should We Care? According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Gen Z, which they define as people being born between the mid 1990's and early 2000's, make up a whopping 25% of the population. This makes them a larger group of people than Baby Boomers or Millennials. These are the folks that will define how we do business going forward. One thing is for sure; to survive we will have to be sure our businesses serve this digital segment of the population. Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate B