Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Increasing Profits in Your Rental Business



  Are you interested in increasing your profits in your rental business? If that sounds like you, you're in the right place. My guest today is Nathan Miller the founder of Rentec Direct. Rentec Direct is a software company that services and works with over 14,000 property managers and landlords. Nathan is an investor himself, so he understands the needs of landlords.  Using the right systems and software in your renal company can be a game changer, and it will help you keep your sanity.  Today you're going to learn just how this can make your business (and your life) a whole lot easier and more profitable.  You'll be interested to learn that Rentec has a free version of their software. Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog for more articles, videos and up to date information to help you build a profitable real estate investing business yourself.  You can learn more about probate investing here...       .