Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Marketing: What Worked Last Year and What's Working Now



Getting deals has gotten a lot harder. So the question is: what was working last year, and are those same strategies working this year? Get Beka Shea's take on marketing from a gal that spent $130,000 last year on direct mail as Sharon and Beka talk marketing. We believe you're going to need to "up your game" in 2018. Marketing and branding are the two things that will grow your business going forward.   Remember ... Marketing is how you get leads in the door. Branding is why they choose YOU (over your competition). In this show Beka will tell you something that was totally unexpected when she looked back at her numbers from 2017. (Beka tracks everything) She discovered that more than 50% of her deals came from something that didn't cost her a dime.  Listen in to find out what that was.  Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog for more great shows.  And... coming to Nashville in May 2018, "REI Marketing Mastery".  Check it out.   This is a one of a kind, small group event that we only hold onc