Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Building an Exceptional Business



  Today we are going to talk about building an exceptional business. My guest is my friend Mike Hambright AKA the Flip Nerd. Both of us are passionate about entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs always talk about building a profitable business. But the real question is, how do you build an exceptional business as opposed to a business that is simply average?   That Brings Up another Question ... Can a business be profitable and yet be "average or ordinary"? I believe the answer is yes. If you stop and think about the companies that YOU do business with, how many of them cause you to become a raving fan?  Are those companies exceptional or are they just average? Maybe they are merely competent and this allows them to make a profit. Hey; nobody wants to be ordinary. Listen in as we talk about some steps you can take to build an exceptional business. Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog to see the video interview I did with Mike. You will also find more tips on building a business that stands out in