Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Overcoming Procrastination



  Today's show is on the one thing that will sink your business faster than anything; procrastination. Let's face it; we've all been guilty of this. However, when I think back to times when I have put off doing something (that needed to be done), I can't think of a single time it made me feel better. In fact, what happens is it becomes this noose around your neck that weighs you down. It often weighs you down so much it can cause you to become paralyzed. Procrastination can have serious repercussions in your business. There is a great book I read some time ago called "Eat that Frog" by Brian Tracy.  In this book, Brian talks about doing the thing you dread the most the first thing in the morning.  Eat the frog and get it off your plate for a more productive day.  This is a great little book you might want to pick up. It full of simple strategies for dealing with procrastination.  Be sure to stop by the blog at Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog. See you over there.