Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Success with Probate Investing



  When it comes probate investing, you will find a whole lot of people have mindset issues. Mindset is in fact the biggest thing that keeps investors  from working with this particular group of motivated sellers (and they can be very motivated). Investors feel weird working with people that have inherited a property. Or, they feel as if they are profiting from someones death. In reality, you are helping these folks out of a tough situation. These are sellers that have in many cases inherited an unwanted property that may need a lot of work, and they are so thankful for your help. When you look at it from their perspective, they have a house that they don't want and can't afford to fix up to list and sell. I love the niche of probates!   Be sure to stop by the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog for more articles, videos, tips and tools.   ..