Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Hiring a Property Management Company with Linda Libatorie - Secure Pay One



  If you've ever wondered whether or not you should spend your hard earned money on a hiring a management company, this podcast will help you when making this decision. My guest today is Linda Libatorie from Secure Pay One.   Linda will tell you about her company, and the ways they can be a valuable resource for landlords. We are all guilty of the "I can do it all myself syndrome" at times. When we are just starting out as landlords, we try to hold onto each nickel and dime that comes in the door. In reality, we are rarely the best person for the job. Letting go of the day to day management duties will free us up to do what we do best; acquire more properties to build our net worth. Be sure to stop by the blog for more articles, videos and podcasts that will help you start or grow your real estate investing business.  Let me know if you have any questions. Hiring a Property Management Company with Linda Liberatorie Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog