David Hathaway

Have faith in God, Part 3



Faith, like everything else in our Christian experience, must mature and it must grow - and it comes from building a strong relationship with Jesus. Receiving miracles is not dependent alone on ‘faith’, but also on our relationship with Jesus! So when the disciples ask, “Why couldn’t we do it?” – the answer is, “Because of your unbelief. Truly I say to you, if you have got faith as small as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, remove from here to there, and it shall remove.” And the last bit is so often neglected, where Jesus says, “NOTHING – this is some Power – NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU!” I’m challenging you in your faith, come to the realisation that Jesus ACTUALLY SAID, that IF we fulfil the conditions, IF we act in faith, IF we believe, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for us. It’s not just moving mountains, not just healing the sick – this applies in EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE!