Liz And Alissa Make Stuff

Ep 26.5 - Liz and Alissa Checking In (Claudia Kishi is for Sour Cream)



Surprise! It's a mini episode! We are busy making dip, dip and more dip for our live show, May 19 but we thought we'd take a break and give a few updates, visit Chex mix corner, and learn what incredible trick Alissa has devised for remembering dip recipes.  If you can't be at our live show, please join us in a virtual dip party! Make dip, buy dip, order dip at a restaurant, just EAT DIP Saturday night and share a photo on your social media platform of choice. Use the hashtag #NightOfAThousandDips and tag @lizandalissa to be sure we see it! And if you're reading this in the future? Be kind to yourself, make some dip for dinner tonight. You're worth it.