Simmons Here And Now

TELL THE DAMN STORY 213: What Creatives Should Do This Time of Year.



"I Love Assessing and Goal Setting This Time of Year!" Why?  And what good does it do? This week, Alex and Chris discuss how creatives should review what they've accomplished this year and use that to set goals for the coming year. So many of us get to the end of a year and say, "I didn't get anything done!"  However, if you go back month by month and review what you actually have created, very often you will be surprised by how much you've  accomplished.  Alex and Chris offer some ways (large and small) to see that objectively, to assess what work you did do objectively, and to use both to set your goals for 2022. Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #amwriting, #writerslife, #authortips, #writingtips #writersblock #creatives #writers_den #howtowrite #writercommunity