Health & Wellbeing Podcast

Menopause - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #8 with guest Laura Burton



Menopause - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #8 with guest Laura Burton Laura Burton from Burton Health is back and this time we're talking about menopause. We discuss the symptoms and stages of menopause, helpful foods and nutrients for soothing menopausal symptoms and reducing the conditions associated with this time. Apologies the sound quality isn't the best in this episode (especially at the start, it does get better after a few minutes!) but I wanted to share the video anyway and not let the quest for perfection get in the way of me delivering this information to you. Laura is a clinical naturopath practicing in St Leonards and Dural. Her key areas of interest are female hormone disorders, digestive health, stress & adrenal fatigue. Through her clinical experience Laura has identified the prevalence of stress in our everyday lives and sees it as the most common cause or exacerbating factor of her patients health conditions. Laura believes that we need to get back to basics and work on our ability to relea