Meditation - Overcoming Stress & Illness Podcast

Meditation and Imagination | Overactive Imaginations



Podcast HereDo you have an overactive imagination? Do you use your imagination to escape pain? Is the difference between fantasy and reality sometimes difficult to determine?On this podcast episode, Sharon brings up that she has been meditating regularly for over a year, and is concerned that it may be hypnotic. Radio counselor Roy Masters spells out how to know if you are hypnotized by meditation. Though she may not be hypnotized by meditation, Sharon is addicted to creating elaborate stories in her mind. Roy discusses how getting lost in your imagination through preplanning, and fantasy is really the misuse of a God-given talent.A second caller, June, is wondering if what she is envisioning during meditation is a product of her overactive imagination. At one point in the free guided meditation, Roy says, “You can almost see an outline of your hand, through your mind’s eye.” When meditating, June says that here hand doesn’t look like her own. Roy explains how becoming objective and aware lead you to see thin