Convenience Matters

#49 Assessing Fuels Markets



For fuels retailers and their customers who are used to seeing retail gas prices change a few times a month, Denmark would be quite a shock, with prices changing a dozen or more times a day. That’s just one of many insights that Ian Thompson shared from his international travels in studying fuels markets. One thing is certain--fuel retailing is not easy and is getting even more complicated with the impact of increased competition, de-regulation, volume challenges and ever-diminishing margins around the world. Also hear how deregulation is affecting markets in India, Brazil and Morocco, which are in early stages of deregulation.   The key for retailers is to focus beyond just pricing strategies and look at other offerings to differentiate from their competition. Co-hosts Stephanie Sikorski and Donovan Woods talk with guest Ian Thompson of Kalibrate about broad trends like competition and deregulation and how it affects the fuels markets around the globe.