Convenience Matters

#43 No Soup for You



Larry Thomas is known by that iconic character but sometimes it’s about being in the right place at the right time. He got the call to play the part about 7:30 at night and came up with his character in the early morning hours. And over the course of those few hours he created a character so memorable it led to an Emmy, an iconic catch phrase and a product line of, you guessed it, soups. Larry shares his thoughts on the NACS Show, explains how soup can sell in a c-store, and provides a behind-the-scenes account of his time working with the stars of the hit TV show, Seinfeld. Co-hosts Stephanie Sikorski, Director, NACS Foundation and Mission Marketing; and   Nat Keller, NACS Director of Marketing talk to Larry about foodservice in the convenience channel with the debut of his new soup line, growing up in an entrepreneurial household, and—of course—what it’s like to have been a part of a show that revolutionized American pop culture.