
Backtalk: Toxic Diet Culture Targeting Kids



This week, Dahlia and Amy talk about Kurbo, a weight loss app for children. The app is from Weight Watchers and they claim its purpose is to help children become healthier but experts say that an app like Kurbo can cause children to have an unhealthy relationship with food, promote eating disorders, and cause extra stress. The app feels like a ploy to create future consumers for the $72 billion diet industry and it’s so wrong.    WATCH  “What We Do in the Shadows” (both the movie and the FX TV series) take a hilarious mockumentary lens to vampire living.    READ  Yukiko Motoya’s short story collection, “The Loneliest Bodybuilder” is quirky, surreal, and so much fun to read. A must-read for contemporary Japanese literature.    LISTEN “Skin & Bone” by Ambrosia Parsley