Jason Hartman Foundation

143: Entrepreneurial Spirit of the United States with Thomas W Jones, Federal Reserve Bank, Freddie Mac, TIAA-CREF



Jason Hartman talks with Thomas Jones, former vice chairman and director of TIAA-CREF, former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Global Investment Management at Citigroup, and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup Asset Management. He was also the former Vice Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Jason and Thomas discuss Thomas' entrance into real estate, why Thomas is so bullish on America long term, and what sets America apart from the rest of the world. Key Takeaways: [2:31] Thomas and his bride actually started by bidding on 2 burned out buildings in Boston [7:49] Thomas is perennially bullish long term, so dips in the economy are buying opportunities for him [10:02] The changes on Wall Street over the years [14:11] The most disappointing aspect to the reforms that have been made since the Great Recession [19:19] One of the things that really sets America apart is the excited entrepreneurial spirit [23:35] America faced a metaphorical crossroads in the late 1960s [26:25] Ou