Riadi Club -

Explore Opportunities (Part 2 of the Your Big Dream season)



This podcast is the first step in getting you closer to reaching those absurd expectations we talked about in the first Your Big Dream podcast.  In this episode, we encourage you to think about that one dream or ambition you’ve been thinking about for a long time.   You need to research and explore the opportunities around that goal.  We hope this podcast series will help guide you on the journey and give you the tools to achieving that dream.     In this episode, you’ll learn:  The value of failure as a learning experience The role of researching the opportunities outside of our head, but don’t over think it Why you should explore the hang-ups that are holding you back Why mentors and a people who encourage you are important to the process In this episode, we’ll challenge you to:  Write down the opportunities you want to explore, big or small Write down why you want to achieve those goals Find someone who’s doing the things you want to do and reach out to them or learn from them Find someone you can trust