Riadi Club -

Why and how 80% is better than 100%



Most entrepreneurs have big goals, and many get overwhelmed with the details to achieve those goals.  We share tools in this podcast that will help you achieve your goals without being overwhelmed and maybe even set bigger and bigger goals for yourself.  We focus on the Pareto Principal – the 80/20 rule.  This applies to your customers, headaches, and profits.        In this episode, you’ll learn:   What is the 80/20 rule and how you can approach it from several different angles  How to increase your profits without increasing your headaches   Why you should think about 80% not 100% when you start a project   How the 80/20 rule can help you come up with a minimal viable product   Why you should be thinking “Who” and not “How”     In this episode, we’ll challenge you to:   Any time you approach a new project or venture remind yourself 80% is good enough.   Try to think in terms of “Who” not “How” when you approach different tasks in your business     More information