Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 3 Episode 10 Being Proto-Caiaphas



Today's Topic – He is Dangerous    Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to  Podcast Show Flow  Basic Meta Questions  Who are they? – Important character in priest class  What do they do? – Priest Growth, Rain, and Gender swap plus the rule makers   Where are they? – 2 tier Central, and frog in the tree  When do they do it?  – Run the island  How do they get it done? –  They are bigger than any village  Why are they doing it? – Leading  Extended Meta  Type of character? - ???  Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Round – ????  Who is the character connected to? – Every village and the core priest  How are they connected? – Religion  WBT   Caiaphas and his Toadie  RW  Task  Start the Sandman Comic, I am not sure of the author.  Michael's Resources  Use when shopping online to help support the show  Were alive Podcast  Links  ((((((((((((((((((