Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

All the Things Your Workout Leaves Out



When we think about fitnessing, a relative few activities come to mind. Weightlifting, running, cycling, swimming, jumping rope, etc. Why? Mostly because they're very efficient at producing very predictable results. But they also leave some things out, especially:non-linear, off-center, and multi-planar movementscontinuing skill developmentNow, we're not saying you should quit using efficient methods just because they're reductive, but you do need to address those important areas. There's a trap here too though - majoring in the minors. This rambling, unfocused, and nearly incoherent (just kidding about the last one) discussion between Ryan and Andy goes over why you need skill development and unconventional movements, even if you're not training for a specific sport or activity. We also cover self-assessing so you can focus on the supplemental training that fits your needs rather than just trying to cram in every "prehab" exercise you saw on YouTube.Understand what your rou