Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #129 Heidi Bergmann Schoch



Riding Shotgun With Charlie#129 Heidi Bergmann-SchochCompass Defense LLC   This past fall I had a trip to New Jersey to hang out with John Petrolino (RSWC #093).  As we  were talking, I mentioned that this was my first trip in over 2 years without having filmed a show someplace. After some brainstorming of previous New Jersey passengers, we came up with Grant Gallagher (coming soon) and Grant told Heidi Bergmann-Schoch about this and asked if she wanted to be on the show, too. He said she’s a great instructor and she has worked with him for years. After lunch, we filmed the shows then I headed home.    Heidi started her career as a police officer, specifically a K-9 officer.  She started the K-9 officer program in her town and was the K-9 officer in several towns.  After being an officer for 7 years, she contracted Lyme’s disease and had to retire. Wanting to still give to the community, she got into paramedics. Before being a paramedic, she had to train for an EMT position. She was a paramedic for about 10 y