Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 236 - Hall of Fame | Asmi Sanghvi - How Busy NYC Dermatologist Builds A Lifestyle Solution



Dr. Asmi Sanghvi moved to NYC filled with excitement for the new life that was unfolding for her. However, 6 months after she moved to New York her carefully constructed fitness routine began to crumble - the temptations that The Big Apple offered were too good to resist and Asmi found that she had gained all the weight she had lost before arriving at NYC. A high performer and over achiever in her career she was tired and disappointed that she had let herself go.    Episode 236 talks about how Asmi made a radical decision to completely change her mindset and approach to life. Through her RNT journey she discovered new coping strategies to deal with everything that life threw her way.    Today Asmi is in the shape of her life, loves the skin she’s in and is filled with self confidence and self esteem.    If you feel your social life is impeding you on your journey to transformation, this episode will show you that you aren’t alone. There is a way... there always is, all you need is a new perspective.    You ca