VIVA LA DERBY! Episode 21 with Ruby Ribcrusher



VIVALADERBY! are  back like a vertabrae with a brand new episode oozing with derby goodness for your ear holes.  In this episode we discuss all the latest news (not latest, it's a bit outdated) and have a great interview with VRDL's Ruby Ribcrusher.  We got a few more episodes just around the corner so listen close and stay tuned to this channel.VIVALADERBY! SCHWAG Do you like VIVA LA DERBY!? Do you wear clothes?  What better way to show your loved ones you love them than with a VIVA LA DERBY Shirt?If you answered yes to either of these questions then have we got a wicked deal for you. It's the VIVA LA DERBY! and clothes super team up. We're bringing podcasting and garments together and are now selling our own swag through our very own store.Guaranteed to make you at least 37% cooler and 68% more appealing to the opposite sex. Or not. Whatever flicks your switch. These shirts go both ways.If you want to support Austrlalia's no.1 Roller Derby Podcast, get yourself a coo