Beyond Busy

How to Build Exceptional Connections with David Bradford and Carole Robin



David Bradford and Carole Robins from the Stanford Graduate School of Business course Interpersonal Dynamics, talk about improving existing relationships, building new connections and more in this latest episode. They are also the authors of the book 'Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, and Colleagues'. Graham, David and Carole start the podcast by talking about the legendary 'Touchy-Feely' program in the Stanford Graduate School of Business course Interpersonal Dynamics.David: 'What they discover in this course, almost inevitably, is that the more they are themselves: the more interesting they are, the more attractive there. We frequently have students halfway through the course say to another one: "I thought in finance, you were really obnoxious, but now that I see you and I see that you’re human, I like you." So where this translates is that they not only learned that they can be themselves but they learn how to be themselves, they take this elsewhere.'Carole: 'People do busin