Passport Podcast

Ep12 Roadside Attractions on Route 66



There I am out on Route 66 having just stepped out of the Roger Miller Museum in Erick, Oklahoma. As I went to get into my car, I scanned the main strip in town and surveyed it to see what else this tiny village had to offer. It turned out to be more than I had ever imagined. A couple of blocks down the street I saw a sign. Then another and another and, well you get the idea. There were lots of signs plastered all over an old brick building. I thought to myself; you better investigate all those funky signs. So, I rolled through the lone stop light in town and threw on the parking brake, got out and started snooping around. I soon learned that I had unwittingly landed at the Sandhills Curiosity Shop, Home of Harley & Annabelle, the Mediocre Music Makers located in The Redneck Capital of the World - It's Insanity at it's finest! If you reread that last sentence and let it sink in, it will begin to make perfect sense as you listen to this episode of the Passport Podcast. In this show, I cross paths with Harl