Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 129: Justin Adams and Pat Morrell, Co-Founders of Anduin



  Today we welcome Justin Adams and Pat Morrell, co-founders of Anduin.  Many of you know this is their second startup together as they sold back in 2019 – which is now part of Waystar.  So, this is our first podcast dealing with co-founders in Charlotte who have built and sold and are now building again, together. For that reason, we get to dive into some great topics with them.  We didn’t ask them, “what would you do differently”, we asked, “what ARE you doing differently?”  This dynamic allows us to cover some great aspects of their entrepreneurial journey.  We dove into the concept of and how they jumped into it as co-founders.  We learn how they built the product and sold it customers.  Along the way, we hear about their travels to Atlanta as well as the sacrifices – personally and professionally – they both made along the way. As we run through their trials and tribulations with, we naturally break straight into the discussion of how Anduin has been developed diffe