Runaway Franchise

007: Aliens (1986) – Runaway Franchise



Chugging along to the second movie in the series, we look at the ever-popular Aliens. There's way more marines, way more muscles, way more grease, and definitely a bunch of great catch phrases. It's Tom's first time seeing this movie (!?!?). Tom made us into androids: Runaway Franchise is the podcast where we watch movies with 4 or more films in the series. Discussion, facts, opinions, and even some banter may ensue. The first franchise up is 1979's Alien. We take a closer look at the iconic sci-fi horror movie series and break em' down. The Runaway Franchisees are: Dom Delledera ( Ed Jelley ( Tom Napolitano ( Make sure to subscribe and rate, you can get in touch with us at !