Jobber Talk

Jobber Talk - Robin Sane Episode



In the podcast this week..."Ready ka na sa isang insane na episode ng Jobber Talk?""TARA, LET'S GO!"Robin Sane drops by and we talk about how he started to love wrestling, to his origin story as a wrestler, and the upcoming MWF Event in November 11, 2017...MWF: BalikbayanOn a serious note, we also delve into a side of the local pro wrestling scene as well as tackle the issue of depression. In the off-tangent segment, Martin and Robin Sane talk about Sane's off-the-ring ventures such as cosplay, Melbourne Shuffle,and the like. Shoutout to Yellow Cab Pizza Co. at Shaw Boulevard for letting us record this...and for the awesome pizza. Disclaimer: Mic issues happened on the 17 minute mark so we switched to my phone. Sorry about the crappy audio quality. ---Links:WrestleMania 30 Showing at the Googel BarDarren Young injurySGP Podcast - Robin Sane EpisodeKayfabe Cafe w/ Robin Sane and Mr. LuchaPhilippine Melbourne Shufflers---Download the episode (right click and click 'save as')---we're @chFourt