Economic Rockstar

172: Best of 2018 Part 2: From the Great Depression to Futurism; Institutions, Individualism and Cooperation



This is a reflection on some episodes from 2018. The themes I have chosen looks at growing up in the Great Depression and what to expect in the future with AR and AI, as well as Institutions, Individualism, Cooperation and Reciprocity. Featured episodes are: 123 Vernon Smith on his early childhood years during the Great Depression and how they survived by moving to live on a farm before losing it all, his mother as a socialist and who she voted for in the Presidential elections in 1919 when women were first given the right to vote in the US. 162 Jennifer Burns on Ayn Rand's views on Capitalism, Communism and Christianity and why the individual is better that the collective, the virtues of selfishness, hippies in the 1960s, Objectivism, Existentialism and Nietzche. 147 Ngaio Hotte on Elinor Ostrom’s work on collective action and cooperation to reach mutually beneficial outcomes and how this can relate to natural resource problems as well as Ostrom’s observation of reciprocity in Game Theory. 135 David Zetland