Economic Rockstar

118: Zachary Feinstein on Systemic Risk and Economics in Star Wars and Harry Potter



Zachary Feinstein is Professor joined the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis in 2014. While earning a doctorate at Princeton University, Zachary supervised the senior thesis-writing group and assisted in teaching several courses. Previously, he conducted research at Hunan University in China and was an intern at Millennium Partners LP and Lehman Brothers Inc., both in New York City. Professor Feinstein works in the broad fields of operations research and financial engineering and he heads The Operations Research and Financial Engineering Laboratory Washington University. His research focus has been on the applications of set-optimization to financial risk measurement, with projects studying and defining dynamic risk measures in markets with transaction costs and measures of systemic risk. You can find Professor Feinstein’s work on Star Wars and more by Googling Fictionomics. You can check out al the links. books and resources mentioned by