Economic Rockstar

040: Rebecca Harding on Trade Finance and How Delta Economics Can Help Identify Growth Opportunities World-wide



Dr Rebecca Harding, CEO of Delta Economics, is an independent economist with an extensive background in modelling economic growth, trade, productivity, innovation and enterprise. Rebecca is the author of nine books and has written over 250 articles on economic issues. She has held senior positions in leading academic, think-tank and corporate organisations, including roles at the London Business School, Deloitte and the Work Foundation.  Rebecca has advised the European Union and regional governments and agencies in the UK and Germany on innovation and enterprise policy. Rebecca is a Board Member of the Society of Business Economists and a Board Member and Trustee of the German British Forum. In 2013, she was elected as a national representative of the European Movement UK. Rebecca holds a BA in Economics and German and an MSc and PhD in the economics of Science and Innovation from the University of Sussex and writes on her blog Find Out: about Dr Harding’s company DeltaEconomics. about