Modules Unraveled Podcast

149 Using Panopoly and it's Drupal 8 Future with David Snopek - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Project* For people who might not know, what is a Drupal distribution? * Out of the box, vanilla Drupal doesn’t do much - you have to install modules and mold it into what you want * A distribution is Drupal prepackaged with contrib modules and themes, pre-configured for a specific use case (OOB, X+Y) * What is Panopoly? * A “starter site” distribution (replacement for vanilla Drupal) * A “base distribution” on which to build other distributions * A set of Features modules that can be used outside of Panopoly * Why would someone want to use Panopoly instead of vanilla Drupal? * Improved blank slate * Includes some the most popular modules and configuration that almost everyone is using anyway * Hide Drupal-isms from site managers and users * WYSIWYG, Media, responsive layouts, edit in place, live previews, improved search, UX improvements, a11y improvements * Include a bunch of stuff backported from D8: toolbar, responsive bartik, etc * Unified content/layout management system built on Panels eco-system *