Modules Unraveled Podcast

144 Using the Open Sourced Red Test Framework Instead of Simpletest for Faster Drupal 7 Testing with Neerav Mehta - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Automated Testing * Before we actually get started talking about Red Test, can we take a step back and talk about what automated testing is in general?     * I am sure you are all aware of manual testing and QA. Once you build a site or a feature in the site, you go to the browser and test it out. As an example, you added a workflow to your blog post. You will go to the browser and test whether the blog you create gets the draft state. Then you will log in as an editor and you will move it to published state. Now you will log out and check whether the blog post is visible to anonymous users. What you are doing is manual testing. It works very well for smaller projects.     * For bigger projects, and especially for projects with multiple developers, what starts happening is adding a feature may break an older feature. Let’s take the example above. Earlier all the blog posts used to be published by the writer directly as soon as he saved the form and an email used to go out to all your blog subscribers that