Modules Unraveled Podcast

068 DrupalCon Prague Globals - Modules Unraveled Podcast



## Global Track Chairs * Who is the global team and what do they do? Rick: The global team is our organizational memory in putting on DrupalCons. They have been local track chairs and they consult with the locals to guide us away from potholes and toward the best sessions. We have a North American and a European global track chair for our standing track: Coding & Development, Frontend, Site Building, Business and Strategy, and DevOps. Link: * Jozef, what is your role in DrupalCon Prague? Jozef: My role is to help the local track chair with anything he needs help with:) So mostly it is to support him, discuss various issues that arise during the whole preparation process and mostly during the session selection process. ## Track * Jozef, who do you work with on the Frontend track for Prague? Jozef: Together with my US global co-chair Ken Woodworth we work mostly with Jesper Woeldiche who is the local track chair and is doing an amazing job! * What is t