Newark Today

Newark's Living Mayors: Ras Baraka



Like Sharpe James and Cory Booker before him, Ras Baraka became the third straight former city councilman turned mayor in 2014. And like the mayors who preceded him, he knows how to fire up a crowd. “We need a mayor who unapologetically loves this city and the people in it. And most importantly, we need a mayor that believes in you and knows no fear. I am thankful to god that today you have chosen me to be this mayor,” Baraka said during his inauguration speech in 2014. The Baraka name is rooted deep in Newark history. He’s the son of poets and civil rights activists Amina and Amiri Baraka. A proud product and principal of Newark Public Schools, Ras Baraka has taken his passion for the districts best interests to city hall, in hopes the state will return the schools back to local control. “We have to remain more vigilant, more focused on the goal which is to return the operation of the school district into the hands of the people.” Baraka’s administration has made great strides since