Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Julia Bernadsky – Manifesting Change with the Power of Energy — Episode 225



Today I'm pleased to introduce you to Julia Bernadsky, a soul-inspired woman manifesting change with the power of energy. In this interview: Listen to Julia's heart-tugging journey towards the free world with two suitcases, $200 and her unborn baby. The wondrous energy of encouragement, love and guidance Julia's mother infused in a charming necklace. Tuning into one's soul and understanding that it is the ultimate guide to life. Julia reminisces how Untamed Heart - the Jewelry is born and how each piece is made with intention, vibrant energy and unconditional love. She discusses what's next of her powerful energy guidance and channeling with individuals looking to align their energy with the universe. Julia is an artist & the founder of Untamed Hearts, Creator of The Messages from The Universe Project, and Co-Founder of the Conscious Life Collective platform. Julia works with energy, guided by highly attuned intuitions, and she is also a Theta Healer. All parts of her work come together through Untamed Hear