Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Bouncing back from a Toxic Relationship and loving yourself again with Alexandra Jeffert, Breakup Coach



Hey Soul Sister, Welcome to another episode of UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH podcast. A place to help entrepreneurs OWN their unique story, inspire, heal and make a bigger impact. Entrepreneurs worldwide jump into this podcast to bring you their most valuable mindset and business tools, tips and strategies to help you become more succesful in the areas of your life that you need most. . . Have you ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that felt it was draining your soul? That no matter what you did to make the other person, nothing was ever good enough and slowly you start losing sight of who you were?   This is my 7 year FREE FROM A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP and I couldn’t be happier. It wasn’t easy to heal, to let go of that feeling of not being enough or worthy enough of loving.   Have you ever felt that way? Either with a partner, friend or even with your own family? This shit happens, and when it happens, we keep wondering “what the hell have i done to deserve this? Karma is a bitch!” I have always been a s