Soul Sister's Universe By Maria C. Krause

Confidence comes in different shapes and forms, one size does not fit all. An interview with Jess Critchlow, Confidence Coach



Hello Soul Sisters, Welcome to our podcast, UNCHAIN YOUR INNER STRENGTH. A podcast were entrepreneurs from all over the world, background and niches, share their unique story and most valuable tips and tools to help others become more successful in all areas of their lives. What is the first thing that pops into your head when you think about the word CONFIDENCE? In my years of mentoring service based entrepreneurs with different niches, I have learned that CONFIDENCE means something different for everyone else. Some wanted to become more confident as public speakers, others to do LIVES, others to share content, others to be more authentic... I have learned that just like clothes, CONFIDENCE is not a size that fits all.   In this week's interview, I had the pleasure to meet, connect and learn from my special guest, Jess Critchlow, Confidence Coach. We talked about what it felt for her the first time she got on stage to talk to 1000s of people and how most of them felt her CONFIDENCE shine through, meanwhile