Gartner Thinkcast

180: Build Powerful Partnerships



Take it from a combat pilot … battlefield lessons also apply to your workplace.  “We knew that we would absolutely be there, period, because lives were on the line. And I believe that if we execute it that way in business, our relationship with our teams, our leadership, our timelines, our processes, our digital transformation would look quite different.” (Vernice “FlyGirl Armour, Combat Pioneer) We’ve enlisted groundbreaking U.S. Marine Corps pilot Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour on a mission to empower you, your team and your company to be stronger and more effective. We also follow your money down potentially dangerous wrong paths. THE CONVERSATION RUNDOWN Dennis Gannon: Build Business-Finance Partnerships 01:52 – Financial pain points 03:50 – The staggering costs of poor decisions 05:34 – Flaws in the Business-Finance partnership model 08:24 – Hamstrung by the model 11:18 – Top changes to make 14:36 – Must-see Gartner Webinars Dennis Gannon: Build Business-Finance Partnerships (continued) 15:48 – What Finance de