

Subscribe to Modern Marketing Engine on your app of choice How does a company with a premium offering, but little or no brand recognition, market to a universe of buyers who assume that solution providers are all pretty much the same? It’s not easy or simple, but thankfully there are companies out there demonstrating there are ways to to build brand equity and gain the attention you need to set up their sales team for conversations with qualified prospects. This episode features, Dean Nicolls, Vice President of Marketing at Jumio. Jumio as a company has found itself in the position described here - in spite of having won numerous impressive awards in its market segment. Dean speaks with Bernie about the ways he’s leading the Jumio marketing team to use PR, analyst relations, and sales enablement to elevate the profile of what the company has to offer as a premium brand. Unknown Premium Brands Build Reputation Through Education At Vengreso, we often say that modern sellers need to sell in ways that modern buye