Online Business Q&a W/ S&j

QA 20 – What Podcasts Do You Recommend?



Welcome to Flipped Lifestyle y'all! In today’s Q&A, we help you cut through the clutter and let you in on what podcasts we listen to in our spare time (it’s a lot less than you probably think). Are you overwhelmed by information overload? It can happen! When you start out online, you can easily fall into the trap of listening to every podcast on iTunes about online business. This can cause confusion as you hear so many conflicting messages (and boredom, because some shows are awful). Don’t listen to everyone!  Check out today’s show and we will help you find the best voices for couplepreneurs online! Do you have a question you want answered on our podcast?  We would love to help you! Click here to ask your question! Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Pat Flynn’s podcast; Smart Passive Income Podcast Chris Ducker’s podcast; New Business Podcast Greg Hickman’s podcast; Mobile Mixed Podcast Jill and Josh Stanton’s podcast; Screw the Nine to Five Podcast Do you have a question about online business that