Everything Voluntary With Skyler J. Collins

Millennial Socialism, Teachers’ Strike, Fat Capitalist Bezos, & Work or Die (26m) – Episode 448



Post by Skyler J. Collins (Editor). Episode 448 has Skyler giving his commentary on the following entries to r/shitstatistssay: @NathanHRubin writes, "Millennials don't hear socialism & think about the USSR or the Cold War... we think about Canada, Switzerland..."; PixPls writes, "It's time that teachers stood up to their states and just said 'No'. And while they are at it, a 20% raise is in order."; Wordsmifff2991 writes, "The biggest cause of poverty is greed... Yes Jeff Bezos I'm talking to you."; and NeonDepression writes, "There wouldn't be any value without labor period. The worker HAS to create it for there to be any wealth whatsoever. Property inherently is theft... There is no such thing as a free market when people are forced to work in order to live. Thats called coercion."