The Dog's Way Podcast: Dog Training For Real Life

Emergency Session 86: Mental and Physical Exercises for Your Dog While You're Sheltering at Home



In today's session I'll give you a few tips for creating some fun and interesting mental and physical exercises for your dog while "sheltering at home".  I've also decided to outline the entire subject below and put in a few links for items that might be useful during these sessions; Fetch Work on teaching fetching rules though (if you’re out at the park – be sure to use a long line on your dog to prevent any mishaps in social distancing rules and keep everyone safe. Goals Make sure you’re teaching some rules with this. Teach your dog that you start and end the game. Teach Drop it and stick a treat to your dog’s nose (after getting your dog to drop the ball where you want it with your food lure and work – you can get two identical toys and reward the dropping of ball one with the throwing of ball two. This is a great way to get your dog doing some wind sprints and tire them out completely.) Progression: Work obedience into your fetch – sit or down then say your release command and then immediately throw the