The Dog's Way Podcast: Dog Training For Real Life

Episode 73 - (Part 1 of 2) Skinner's Four Quadrants



Hey there Dog's Way fans, today it's time to get "geeky" and talk about Skinner's Four Quadrants. I get asked a lot about the references I make to B.F. Skinner and Skinner's Four Quadrants so it makes sense to go a bit further into what the concepts are behind positive and negative reinforcements, how trainers adapt to those concepts and in this and episode 74 I go into depth on my methods as well and how to apply it to your own pet. It's a fascinating understanding of behavior, conditioning, and training. There was so much information to digest that I decided to split it into two podcast episodes. Skinner's four quadrants were broken up like this; Positive Punishment Negative Punishment Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement The idea stemmed from a few important predecessors to Skinner, and I talk briefly about their history and the evolution to the concept as applied by Skinner and how it is used for training today. Russian research physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who helped bridge the gap with classical