Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

52 The Voice of Dentistry with ADA Presidents Dr. Maxine Feinberg and Dr. Carol Summerhays : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran



How has dentistry changed in the last 25 years and how will it change in the next 25?  Why should a graduating dental student with $300,000 in debt pay their ADA dues? Do female dentists actually work less like many have predicted? Why can't dentists give HPV and other vaccines, while a pharmacy technician can? In this episode Dr. Howard Farran asks these questions and more to Dr. Maxine Feinberg and Dr. Carol Summerhays.  Dr. Feinberg is the current president of the American Dental Association and Dr. Summerhays is president-elect and will succeed Dr. Maxine Feinberg as ADA president when the House reconvenes in Washington D.C. next fall. Download the full transcript (PDF) of this episode